hello, Senior (nope still can’t believe it): Day 2

If I thought yesterday was something, today is definitely way more than something.

If you read my post yesterday: hello, Senior (still can’t believe I’m saying that): Day 1 then you know that it was an odd day yesterday.

So today was an even day I had periods: 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8.

Period 2 was pre-calculus. Apparently, my school has these “portables” now. These portables are just classrooms outside the school because our school didn’t have enough rooms and there are A LOT of students. There are about 900 freshmen. It looks sort of like an RV or the outside of a motel (without the peeled off paint, it looks pretty nice). But it’s not as bad as I may describe it to be. It looks just like any other classroom. But of course, after going outside to the portable I have to go all the way to the other end of the school for my next period… someone’s playing games lol. This class, I didn’t feel good. One reason is that I had a stomach ache that morning that continued throughout that period but it wasn’t painful… something else gave me a more sick feeling.

Phoenix is in that class. I walked in like two minutes before him. He sat in the very front and I was in the third row. He literally sat two head spaces in front of me. It was horrible. He has a lot of friends in the class and I only have one friend and I didn’t even get to sit next to her because the seat next to her was taken. Having to look at the back of his head and feeling things was like the boss level of anxiety. I’ll probably write more about this subject in another post because I really need to individually vent on this one thing. The teacher didn’t seem very nice but he wasn’t mean either. I don’t know, he kinda unbalanced the stream of chill teachers I was having. But we’ll see how it goes. At the end of class, I talked to my friend and it was funny because she didn’t bring a jacket and I told her she didn’t make the right choice. Because that portable? F.r.e.e.z.i.n.g. And today it was raining too so…

Period 4 was guitar. I was excited because I knew my friend was in this class and we hadn’t seen each other since before the summer. She walked in and sat next to me and she smiled and looked really happy to see me. I hugged her. We had the same conversation just like old times when we were in chemistry class. It was nice to talk to her after feeling crappy. I’m also excited because I get to play guitar. The teacher is really funny and carefree. He evaluated all the students and he asked me if I was a sophomore and my friend laughed at that because we were talking about how I look like a freshman. And our teacher was very confused. This class was okay. But my friend has her own friends and she really tries to include me into her friend group but it really isn’t working out. I just feel like such an outsider and feel like I’m intruding. Plus, she and her friends have their own “guitar gang.” They played songs together and I was just on the outside. I mean I was right next to them… but idk. This is just my anxiety mixed with my overthinking.

Period 5 was forensics (again) because it’s every day. It basically went the same way as it did yesterday. But my teacher was having one-on-one conversations with students and she called me up today. Guys, she’s really nice. Like realllllly nice. She asked me personal questions like what I did over the summer, what I like to do, etc. And she never seemed tired or pissed off. She’s full of energy and she smiles a bunch.

Period 6 was lunch. I got rid of two (kind of) anxiety-filled tasks. I went to the math department and asked to rent a calculator. And then I went to my old English teacher’s room and asked him for a recommendation.

Period 8 was AP Biology. The teacher is very… mainstream? She curses here and there and she talks like a high-schooler. She seems pretty cool but she also intimidates me. I don’t really know anyone in this class. But we didn’t do any work (Thank goodness) We played the game “Cards Against Humanity” and finding a group of people wasn’t so bad. I asked this girl and she smiled and was really nice when I asked if I could join her group. Our group’s cards truly sucked. But the game was better than work.

Then yeah the day was over. I’m really not sure about senior year at this point. Not having friends in some classes doesn’t really bother me… but then other times it does. I just want to get rid of the negative mentality I have. My day wasn’t even that bad but my mind makes sure to think of all the lows. I don’t know what I want anymore. I just want to be happy. But how can I be? I’m so confused about different things. People always tend to, excuse my language, but people always tend to fuck me over. I’m tired. I just don’t know how to feel or what to feel anymore. How can my mind be able to twist something good into something horrible?

I want to be happy. I convince my mind that I’m going to be happy and I’m not going to not let my negativity overrule that. But how can I be positive when seemingly all the negative outweighs the positive?

I have to be in a class with a guy who I still like and still want to talk to, but know that I can’t because he doesn’t care the same way about me. I want to get a job but I’m not even sure where to apply or if I even have time through the school work. If I’ll even do good during an interview. There are college applications I have to start and once I fill those out I know life is just changing.

But the problem is: I don’t know if my life is changing for the better. 

If I keep having this negative mentality how will it ever be fixed? Can it be? Will I always look at life like this? I know happiness isn’t a time period, or a future, but it’s a choice. But how can I choose happiness when there’s a wire in my brain that always wants to give up?


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